Kotak Equity Opportunities Fund - Growth

(Erstwhile Kotak Opportunities - Growth)

Category: Equity: Large and Mid Cap
Launch Date: 05-09-2004
Asset Class: Equity
Benchmark: NIFTY Large Midcap 250 TRI
Expense Ratio: 1.59% As on (30-12-2024)
Status: Open Ended Schemes
Minimum Investment: 100.0
Minimum Topup: 100.0
Total Assets: 25,783.54 Cr As on (31-12-2024)
Turn over: 28.54%
NAV as on 14-01-2025


3.7 (1.1695%)

CAGR Since Inception


NIFTY Large Midcap 250 TRI 16.13%

PERFORMANCE of Kotak Equity Opportunities Fund - Growth

Scheme Performance (%)

Data as on - 14-01-2025

Yearly Performance (%)

Fund Managers

Harsha Upadhyaya, Arjun Khanna

Investment Objective

The scheme aims to invest in a mix of large and mid cap stocks across sectors based on performance and potential of companies within the sectors.

NAV & Lumpsum details( Invested amount 1,00,000)

Show All Monthly Lumpsum Returns
NAV Date NAV Units Market
09-09-2004 10.0 10000.0 100000 0.0 %
11-10-2004 10.517 - 105170 5.17 %
09-11-2004 10.705 - 107050 7.05 %
09-12-2004 11.72 - 117200 17.2 %
10-01-2005 12.591 - 125910 25.91 %
09-02-2005 13.041 - 130410 30.41 %
09-03-2005 13.157 - 131570 31.57 %
11-04-2005 13.157 - 131570 31.57 %
09-05-2005 14.238 - 142380 42.38 %
09-06-2005 14.653 - 146530 46.53 %
11-07-2005 15.251 - 152510 52.51 %
09-08-2005 16.918 - 169180 69.18 %
09-09-2005 17.873 - 178730 78.73 %
10-10-2005 17.798 - 177980 77.98 %
09-11-2005 17.325 - 173250 73.25 %
09-12-2005 19.292 - 192920 92.92 %
09-01-2006 21.259 - 212590 112.59 %
10-02-2006 23.045 - 230450 130.45 %
09-03-2006 24.064 - 240640 140.64 %
10-04-2006 27.311 - 273110 173.11 %
09-05-2006 28.9 - 289000 189.0 %
09-06-2006 21.084 - 210840 110.84 %
10-07-2006 22.627 - 226270 126.27 %
09-08-2006 23.167 - 231670 131.67 %
11-09-2006 24.248 - 242480 142.48 %
09-10-2006 25.718 - 257180 157.18 %
09-11-2006 26.994 - 269940 169.94 %
11-12-2006 27.16 - 271600 171.6 %
09-01-2007 28.298 - 282980 182.98 %
09-02-2007 30.273 - 302730 202.73 %
09-03-2007 26.922 - 269220 169.22 %
09-04-2007 27.919 - 279190 179.19 %
09-05-2007 29.407 - 294070 194.07 %
11-06-2007 30.685 - 306850 206.85 %
09-07-2007 33.136 - 331360 231.36 %
09-08-2007 32.975 - 329750 229.75 %
10-09-2007 33.887 - 338870 238.87 %
09-10-2007 40.103 - 401030 301.03 %
12-11-2007 44.602 - 446020 346.02 %
10-12-2007 50.681 - 506810 406.81 %
09-01-2008 55.491 - 554910 454.91 %
11-02-2008 42.484 - 424840 324.84 %
10-03-2008 39.455 - 394550 294.55 %
09-04-2008 37.745 - 377450 277.45 %
09-05-2008 40.02 - 400200 300.2 %
09-06-2008 36.368 - 363680 263.68 %
09-07-2008 33.359 - 333590 233.59 %
11-08-2008 36.357 - 363570 263.57 %
09-09-2008 35.042 - 350420 250.42 %
10-10-2008 23.876 - 238760 138.76 %
10-11-2008 24.48 - 244800 144.8 %
10-12-2008 22.832 - 228320 128.32 %
09-01-2009 22.659 - 226590 126.59 %
09-02-2009 22.314 - 223140 123.14 %
09-03-2009 19.875 - 198750 98.75 %
09-04-2009 24.186 - 241860 141.86 %
11-05-2009 25.829 - 258290 158.29 %
09-06-2009 34.482 - 344820 244.82 %
09-07-2009 32.192 - 321920 221.92 %
10-08-2009 35.096 - 350960 250.96 %
09-09-2009 37.941 - 379410 279.41 %
09-10-2009 39.462 - 394620 294.62 %
09-11-2009 40.214 - 402140 302.14 %
09-12-2009 41.373 - 413730 313.73 %
11-01-2010 42.983 - 429830 329.83 %
09-02-2010 39.939 - 399390 299.39 %
09-03-2010 41.992 - 419920 319.92 %
09-04-2010 43.787 - 437870 337.87 %
10-05-2010 42.749 - 427490 327.49 %
09-06-2010 42.346 - 423460 323.46 %
09-07-2010 44.803 - 448030 348.03 %
09-08-2010 46.92 - 469200 369.2 %
09-09-2010 49.506 - 495060 395.06 %
11-10-2010 51.743 - 517430 417.43 %
09-11-2010 53.482 - 534820 434.82 %
09-12-2010 47.138 - 471380 371.38 %
10-01-2011 46.922 - 469220 369.22 %
09-02-2011 42.416 - 424160 324.16 %
09-03-2011 43.867 - 438670 338.67 %
11-04-2011 46.334 - 463340 363.34 %
09-05-2011 44.863 - 448630 348.63 %
09-06-2011 44.981 - 449810 349.81 %
11-07-2011 45.653 - 456530 356.53 %
09-08-2011 42.107 - 421070 321.07 %
09-09-2011 41.988 - 419880 319.88 %
10-10-2011 40.851 - 408510 308.51 %
09-11-2011 42.613 - 426130 326.13 %
09-12-2011 40.491 - 404910 304.91 %
09-01-2012 39.174 - 391740 291.74 %
09-02-2012 43.92 - 439200 339.2 %
09-03-2012 43.627 - 436270 336.27 %
09-04-2012 43.381 - 433810 333.81 %
09-05-2012 41.082 - 410820 310.82 %
11-06-2012 41.466 - 414660 314.66 %
09-07-2012 43.586 - 435860 335.86 %
09-08-2012 44.209 - 442090 342.09 %
10-09-2012 44.818 - 448180 348.18 %
09-10-2012 47.523 - 475230 375.23 %
09-11-2012 47.516 - 475160 375.16 %
10-12-2012 50.023 - 500230 400.23 %
09-01-2013 51.087 - 510870 410.87 %
11-02-2013 48.703 - 487030 387.03 %
11-03-2013 48.72 - 487200 387.2 %
09-04-2013 45.114 - 451140 351.14 %
09-05-2013 49.192 - 491920 391.92 %
10-06-2013 48.13 - 481300 381.3 %
09-07-2013 48.022 - 480220 380.22 %
12-08-2013 46.778 - 467780 367.78 %
10-09-2013 48.139 - 481390 381.39 %
09-10-2013 49.822 - 498220 398.22 %
11-11-2013 50.663 - 506630 406.63 %
09-12-2013 52.194 - 521940 421.94 %
09-01-2014 51.66 - 516600 416.6 %
10-02-2014 50.105 - 501050 401.05 %
10-03-2014 54.129 - 541290 441.29 %
09-04-2014 55.922 - 559220 459.22 %
09-05-2014 56.865 - 568650 468.65 %
09-06-2014 65.271 - 652710 552.71 %
09-07-2014 64.781 - 647810 547.81 %
11-08-2014 65.543 - 655430 555.43 %
09-09-2014 72.274 - 722740 622.74 %
09-10-2014 71.049 - 710490 610.49 %
10-11-2014 76.073 - 760730 660.73 %
09-12-2014 77.31 - 773100 673.1 %
09-01-2015 78.693 - 786930 686.93 %
09-02-2015 80.258 - 802580 702.58 %
09-03-2015 84.929 - 849290 749.29 %
09-04-2015 85.183 - 851830 751.83 %
11-05-2015 80.596 - 805960 705.96 %
09-06-2015 78.807 - 788070 688.07 %
09-07-2015 83.066 - 830660 730.66 %
10-08-2015 87.238 - 872380 772.38 %
09-09-2015 80.033 - 800330 700.33 %
09-10-2015 82.376 - 823760 723.76 %
09-11-2015 80.299 - 802990 702.99 %
09-12-2015 78.226 - 782260 682.26 %
11-01-2016 78.063 - 780630 680.63 %
09-02-2016 73.354 - 733540 633.54 %
09-03-2016 75.021 - 750210 650.21 %
11-04-2016 77.992 - 779920 679.92 %
09-05-2016 79.972 - 799720 699.72 %
09-06-2016 83.292 - 832920 732.92 %
11-07-2016 87.591 - 875910 775.91 %
09-08-2016 91.307 - 913070 813.07 %
09-09-2016 94.858 - 948580 848.58 %
10-10-2016 95.297 - 952970 852.97 %
09-11-2016 92.802 - 928020 828.02 %
09-12-2016 90.402 - 904020 804.02 %
09-01-2017 90.229 - 902290 802.29 %
09-02-2017 97.607 - 976070 876.07 %
09-03-2017 97.642 - 976420 876.42 %
10-04-2017 103.485 - 1034850 934.85 %
09-05-2017 106.452 - 1064520 964.52 %
09-06-2017 108.605 - 1086050 986.05 %
10-07-2017 109.827 - 1098270 998.27 %
09-08-2017 110.84 - 1108400 1008.4 %
11-09-2017 113.786 - 1137860 1037.86 %
09-10-2017 112.475 - 1124750 1024.75 %
09-11-2017 115.627 - 1156270 1056.27 %
11-12-2017 116.496 - 1164960 1064.96 %
09-01-2018 120.652 - 1206520 1106.52 %
09-02-2018 114.779 - 1147790 1047.79 %
09-03-2018 111.779 - 1117790 1017.79 %
09-04-2018 115.212 - 1152120 1052.12 %
09-05-2018 115.263 - 1152630 1052.63 %
11-06-2018 114.494 - 1144940 1044.94 %
09-07-2018 113.017 - 1130170 1030.17 %
09-08-2018 119.131 - 1191310 1091.31 %
10-09-2018 117.478 - 1174780 1074.78 %
09-10-2018 103.77 - 1037700 937.7 %
09-11-2018 109.358 - 1093580 993.58 %
10-12-2018 108.288 - 1082880 982.88 %
09-01-2019 112.703 - 1127030 1027.03 %
11-02-2019 110.412 - 1104120 1004.12 %
11-03-2019 116.413 - 1164130 1064.13 %
09-04-2019 119.711 - 1197110 1097.11 %
09-05-2019 115.624 - 1156240 1056.24 %
10-06-2019 122.501 - 1225010 1125.01 %
09-07-2019 118.063 - 1180630 1080.63 %
09-08-2019 114.393 - 1143930 1043.93 %
09-09-2019 113.715 - 1137150 1037.15 %
09-10-2019 116.691 - 1166910 1066.91 %
11-11-2019 124.691 - 1246910 1146.91 %
09-12-2019 125.36 - 1253600 1153.6 %
09-01-2020 130.029 - 1300290 1200.29 %
10-02-2020 133.736 - 1337360 1237.36 %
09-03-2020 117.555 - 1175550 1075.55 %
09-04-2020 98.866 - 988660 888.66 %
11-05-2020 102.724 - 1027240 927.24 %
09-06-2020 110.43 - 1104300 1004.3 %
09-07-2020 117.806 - 1178060 1078.06 %
10-08-2020 122.917 - 1229170 1129.17 %
09-09-2020 121.414 - 1214140 1114.14 %
09-10-2020 128.573 - 1285730 1185.73 %
09-11-2020 133.86 - 1338600 1238.6 %
09-12-2020 146.461 - 1464610 1364.61 %
11-01-2021 156.563 - 1565630 1465.63 %
09-02-2021 160.119 - 1601190 1501.19 %
09-03-2021 164.914 - 1649140 1549.14 %
09-04-2021 166.591 - 1665910 1565.91 %
10-05-2021 166.302 - 1663020 1563.02 %
09-06-2021 174.231 - 1742310 1642.31 %
09-07-2021 179.946 - 1799460 1699.46 %
09-08-2021 185.288 - 1852880 1752.88 %
09-09-2021 195.581 - 1955810 1855.81 %
11-10-2021 198.156 - 1981560 1881.56 %
09-11-2021 201.134 - 2011340 1911.34 %
09-12-2021 194.945 - 1949450 1849.45 %
10-01-2022 201.249 - 2012490 1912.49 %
09-02-2022 197.519 - 1975190 1875.19 %
09-03-2022 182.653 - 1826530 1726.53 %
11-04-2022 202.408 - 2024080 1924.08 %
09-05-2022 185.338 - 1853380 1753.38 %
09-06-2022 183.462 - 1834620 1734.62 %
11-07-2022 185.39 - 1853900 1753.9 %
10-08-2022 199.444 - 1994440 1894.44 %
09-09-2022 208.529 - 2085290 1985.29 %
10-10-2022 202.143 - 2021430 1921.43 %
09-11-2022 209.884 - 2098840 1998.84 %
09-12-2022 212.649 - 2126490 2026.49 %
09-01-2023 208.664 - 2086640 1986.64 %
09-02-2023 207.22 - 2072200 1972.2 %
09-03-2023 206.848 - 2068480 1968.48 %
10-04-2023 205.877 - 2058770 1958.77 %
09-05-2023 213.952 - 2139520 2039.52 %
09-06-2023 221.804 - 2218040 2118.04 %
10-07-2023 230.053 - 2300530 2200.53 %
09-08-2023 238.407 - 2384070 2284.07 %
11-09-2023 250.024 - 2500240 2400.24 %
09-10-2023 242.513 - 2425130 2325.13 %
09-11-2023 244.445 - 2444450 2344.45 %
11-12-2023 261.401 - 2614010 2514.01 %
09-01-2024 268.674 - 2686740 2586.74 %
09-02-2024 277.297 - 2772970 2672.97 %
11-03-2024 285.308 - 2853080 2753.08 %
09-04-2024 297.094 - 2970940 2870.94 %
09-05-2024 297.33 - 2973300 2873.3 %
10-06-2024 322.27 - 3222700 3122.7 %
09-07-2024 339.919 - 3399190 3299.19 %
09-08-2024 335.448 - 3354480 3254.48 %
09-09-2024 341.032 - 3410320 3310.32 %
09-10-2024 344.401 - 3444010 3344.01 %
11-11-2024 334.732 - 3347320 3247.32 %
09-12-2024 345.184 - 3451840 3351.84 %
09-01-2025 325.961 - 3259610 3159.61 %
14-01-2025 316.042 - 3160420 3060.42 %

RETURNS CALCULATOR for Kotak Equity Opportunities Fund - Growth

Growth of 10000 In SIP (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Period :
Start :
End :

Growth of 10000 In LUMPSUM (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Start :

Rolling Returns

Rolling returns are the annualized returns of the scheme taken for a specified period (rolling returns period) on every day/week/month and taken till the last day of the duration. In this chart we are showing the annualized returns over the rolling returns period on every day from the start date and comparing it with the benchmark. Rolling returns is the best measure of a fund's performance. Trailing returns have a recency bias and point to point returns are specific to the period in consideration. Rolling returns, on the other hand, measures the fund's absolute and relative performance across all timescales, without bias.



Key Performance and Risk Statistics of Kotak Equity Opportunities Fund - Growth

Key Statistics Volatility Sharpe Ratio Alpha Beta Yield to Maturity Average Maturity
Kotak Equity Opportunities Fund - Growth 11.87 0.96 2.84 0.87 - -
Equity: Large and Mid Cap - - - - - -

PEER COMPARISION of Kotak Equity Opportunities Fund - Growth

Amount :
Start :
End :
Data as on - 14-01-2025
Scheme Name Launch
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Kotak Equity Opportunities Fund - Growth 05-09-2004 16.2 23.36 15.56 19.19 14.81
Motilal Oswal Large and Midcap Fund - Regular Plan Growth 01-10-2019 28.18 36.27 21.52 23.79 0.0
Invesco India Large & Mid Cap Fund - Growth 09-08-2007 24.32 30.23 17.33 19.42 15.08
HSBC Large & Mid Cap Fund - Regular Growth 03-03-2019 23.28 28.53 14.75 19.14 0.0
UTI Large & Mid Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 01-08-2005 19.51 27.52 17.54 21.35 13.44
LIC MF Large & Mid Cap Fund-Regular Plan-Growth 05-02-2015 19.4 25.27 12.9 17.66 0.0
Baroda BNP Paribas Large and Mid Cap Fund-Regular Plan-Growth Option 04-09-2020 17.98 25.88 14.29 0.0 0.0
BANDHAN Core Equity Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 09-08-2005 17.8 28.73 18.97 21.29 15.15
Canara Robeco Emerging Equities - Regular Plan - Growth Option 05-03-2005 17.77 22.03 11.73 19.28 15.49
DSP Equity Opportunities Fund-Regular Plan - Growth 16-05-2000 17.46 25.03 16.21 19.23 15.03

PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS of Kotak Equity Opportunities Fund - Growth

Asset Allocation (%)

Allocation Percentage (%)

Market Cap Distribution

Small Cap




Large Cap


Mid Cap


